The Ultimate War, the MAGI vs the ILLUMINATI through Time


Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

kama sutra

kama sutra (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This War has been going on for many Millenniums it began after the Zodiac Kings left their Hybrid children behind after the Nephelium Trials aboard the Sun ship. They were originally known as the Fallen Ones or the Watchers. As you may have read the Children and some of the crew members of the Ancient One‘s fell in Love with many of the Newly Upgraded Human Females. These Watchers were Giant‘s and weren’t quite human yet some may have had wings still and animal face’s but the humans thought of these creatures as Gods and worshiped them as we worship Rock stars today some girls were raised from birth just to make Love to these creatures some had giant Cocks it would surly be painful for the women to have these huge penis’ inserted in to Vagina this is why the Hindu‘s Kama Sutra was created and it also explains what all those temples were for and what all those strange hybrid animal human carvings were all about. This is also why there had to be the Great flood of Gilgamesh happened the off spring of these mating were more animal then human , I think some of these creatures are what we call Demon’s instead of continuing to have sex with Humans they had sex with each other creating thing like Dragons and Trolls it is one thing to insert your D.N.A. in to the New Human Race it is another to create a new species of monsters and polluting the D.N.A. of the ancient One’s new race of children. I think when the Ancient Ones returned and saw what their own children had done they caused a pole shift and flooded the planet. If you are aware of the story of Gilgamesh he saved the people whom had stayed true to the intentions of the God’s these humans were also giants ranging from 15 feet down to 4 foot tall and

Kama Sutra Illustration

Kama Sutra Illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

this would be the blood line’s that evolved together until the the flood of Noah that’ right the Human Race had to be purged twice of polluted D.N.A..

The Soul’s of Pindar and Lilith were responsible Both times for the Polluted D.N.A. they are also the Ones that took over and corrupted the Illuminati. The Original Founders were good People with pure intentions the dark ones are not capable of creating anything of their own that is one of the reasons they have been allowed to take over and run this planet. Pindar and his Evil buddies are supposed to learn how to run their own civilizations when and If they will ever be brought back home to their own Constellation of Draco but I think they are not done learning yet.

  Now as for the Leaders of the Magi they have had many names Gilgamesh was one Apollo son of Zeus was another Lugh bringer of the Light was one Jesus Christ was one of the last Leaders of the Magi he learned a lot of what he knew from King Entieikus the 1st, Alexander the Great was one. There have been several different ones in the last 2000 years I am not a history scholar but any man or woman that made the history books for a good and Noble reason were Magi . George Washington had to be one along with most of the other Freemasons that signed the Declaration of Independence . General Patton  and General MacArthur were also Magi leaders it seems they have a tendency to reincarnate together. When ever Evil and Tyranny needs to be defeated the Magi show up . The biggest problem now is Pindar and Lilith have learned how to control and corrupt or Destroy most of the Modern Day Magi . Just for a couple of examples Look at what they did to Sarah Palin and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Herman Cain. The few of us that are left is only because we were able to fly under the Radar we were just trouble makers whom dropped out of the main stream Rat race and this is were it gets interesting.

Secrets of the MAGI

  With the invention of the Internet and Digital technology the Magi can be more powerful then ever before. Have any of you ever noticed on the T.V. News when they get a picture of a really disgusting criminal or Terrorist the Network will put up a large still digital photograph of the Perpetrator on the television screen. That is so everyone watching will put there own negative intentions on them. As you may or may not know the root word of Magic came from the word Magi. If you really want to increase the power of your intentions find a popular website or chat room and type out your spell and or Intention and the power of that spell or intention will be increased every time it is read by someone if you do not believe me just try it and find out for yourself. Another secret is a Magi spell will only work if you are trying to help someone else out or increase the positive vibration of the planet. If you are trying to increase your own wealth or Health it will just boomerang on you and increase your health or wealth problems. Anything else for revenge or curses is Black Magic and will blow up in your face 10 fold. One of the most important things to know is you can use the Dark One’s own demon’s against them remember what I said about evil intentions coming back on you 10 fold ,Well Pindar and Lilith lied to the same Demons they helped create they trapped them in limbo because Pindar told them not to have sex with human’s so they can never be reincarnated as humans that’s why the Devil has Ram horns Pindar and Lilith told them that they would become the new Human Race it sucks to be them. The Demon’s know their only hope is when King Jesus Returns his Soul ship is the only way they can be transported back home to their own home planets were they can finally be reincarnated as a living being again they still might not want to be human but they in incarnate as a Reptilian or Giant snake or what ever Insectoid they started out as

  So who is running this Worldwide Chicken shit Operation Anyway

As of today  June  6, 2013  I believe Pindar is George H.W. Bush and ruler of the Illuminati his Wife Barbara Bush is Lilith aka Mabus is Ma-Bush when she dies everything will collapse . The two main People destroying the United States as we know it are Valerie Jarrett the Brains of the Obama Administration she is the One responsible for the Benghazi and  I.R.S  scandals along with Homeland Security Spying on the American people through Verizon and Facebook and Google social networks. Robert Gibbs former White-house press secretary has been the one that destroyed Facebook and is one of the players that allowed all of these scandals to happen by lying on a daily basis to the American People. After Robert Gibbs quit his Press Secretary job he joined the Board of Directors of Facebook were first began collecting information on the Tea Party and giving it to the I.R.S.then killed Facebook by getting rid of the Discussion Boards  and then changing the format to that Timeline Bullshit but that is a whole other story .

I am sure I will keep adding to this story but for now go out and try a little Magi magic of your own and see if you can throw a monkey wrench in to the Plans of the Illuminati.